Exams, whatever. |
So... so... HI!! I've been gone for what, a month? Or more? Okay... umm, so... I had exams going on. No... Not really. My first exam was on the first of January, 2014. Before that, well... I was trying to study. Not that the attempt beared any fruit, I was simply "lazy". Yea, I guess so.
On the first of January, 2014, which is New Year, I had a Chemistry exam. That's such a great way to start the new year, isn't it? Of course it is. No, it isn't. I was being sarcastic. After I finished the Chemistry exam and had to wait for my mom to pick me up, I felt
good. I felt good about the exam. Yea... I did. I thought that maybe I might be able to get 90-something or at least 85+. For some reason, I was in a good mood. I didn't actually study much the previous night though.
Anyway, as I said, for some reason, I was in a good mood. A good trance. A peaceful state of mind. Why? I thought that I will pass the exams. Yea, I guess... The next day, I had an English exam and it went okay. Okay, as in I did okay. I didn't have much expectation. I just know that I did okay.
The good mood, the good trance, the peaceful state of mind didn't last long until I remember that I had a Nutrition exam the next Sunday. Maaann... Even though I was a little anxious about it, I didn't study much either. What's with me and procrastinating? No, what's with me and laziness? Like, really? Anyway, I did study for the Nutrition exam. Not much. Enough to barely pass the exam, I guess? I got a D+ for the exam. It was 20 out of 30. XD I can't do anything about it except to just laugh it off. LOL After a few days, I checked the school's online system to see my grades and work out my GPAs or stuff, I noticed that the final grade for the course has increased to C. Booyeah! Hahaha D+ means 1.50 grading points while C means 2! There's also other course that my grade went up a grade.
The last exam was Mathematics, Pre-Calculus. I tried to revise for it and I did revise... a little. Even though I would consider it as "enough", but it's just not enough for normal standards. The exam was online and so it had to be done in the school's computer lab. I'm really not so fond of the online system. Or rather, I'm so not fond of the online exam. I rather choose a paper-based exam. When I sat and did the exam, I didn't breeze through it. I guess I needed to revise more. Hahaha I got 70-something percent. One question was wrong, so I guessed I'd get an extra point for that. The hyperbola/ellipse should have (0,0) center! Hahaha nice~ Lucky. Because it's an online exam, we get to send our concerns about our mistakes. How it should be correct and the system marked it wrong or something like that. The period to do that is not long though. I almost forgot. I got the reminder, but I just left it be. The next day, when I remembered, I panicked. I wanted a slightly higher grade. I checked the reminder again and found out that I had several hours before the deadline. I quickly checked my answers and guess what? My mistakes were so stupid. Soooooooo stuppiiiidd~!! X"D Here are some pictures. XD
This one was not my fault. Really... If the adjacent is 1 and the hypotenuse is 7, then the opposite is square root of (7^2)-1 which is square root of 48 and that is square root of 4*4*3 which can be simplified to be 4 square root of 3 and so on and so forth. |
This one was SO STUPID. I was supposed to work out the x. Why was I stupid? Where was my brain? Seriously. |
This one was... well... I don't know. XD |
Yup, another stupid mistake. xD |
I didn't bother to redo the calculation and find out how I was stupid because it's clearly shown that my answer is wrong and there is no way to twist the situation so I could get the point. I just gave up on this question. |
This one too. I didn't bother. Except for the first part. I got it wrong just because I forgot the comma between the coordinates or whatever. |
Errr... Another stupid mistake, again? Yup... |
This one... I wonder if I mentioned this question on the mail... I think I didn't. Or did I? XD Really, it's clearly written to write the equation as a sum of whatever and whatever and I forgot to take ln6x apart. Stupid mistake. |
No, no, no... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, nooooooooo!! I swear that I did think of -4. How did -3 appear? No, seriously... HOW??! Grrr... My finger's fault? Grr... Frustrating. So frustrating. |
Center not at (0,0), BOOYEAH~!! Extra point. |
This was... another stupid mistake. Really stupid. How did I get 255? It should (4^5-2)/2=511. Seriously. |
See, see! Stupid mistakes all over!! >>o<< Luckily, my grade went up from B to B+. Luckily. Nothing is official much though. Until the 23rd or so they say.
Anyway, I guess this is all for the post. I've posted the whole lyrics posts of JKT48's Renai Kinshi Jourei and Boku no Taiyou stages beforehand. Can that be counted as being productive? Even though it's most likely that noone will ever check it out?? Well, I'm an exception. I'll check those posts when I listen to the songs and wants to sing along it. The posts are mostly for my own sake, after all. For keepsake, too.
Next time, I want to post some of my facebook statuses and pictures of drawings. Tomorrow. Yea, I'll try... Tomorrow.
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