A new corner! >o< A music corner, a J-Pop chart corner~ :D

    I have thought of making a list, or chart, of the Japan Billboard and Oricon top "smth" ranking. The list, or chart, will be of my bias after listening to the videos on YouTube, uploaded by the kind people on BillboardJK and Manzo a.k.a.

   After a lot of trials and mindf*cking ideas during the nonstop brainstorm process, the access masterfile of JMu-Chart is finally done. There are 4 editions of the charts; Weekly, Monthly, 1/2Yearly, and Yearly Charts.

     To be directed to the .pdf files of the chart located in Drive, click here.

     It seems like the pdf theme is pink despite the blog has a blue theme color, but whatever. From there, the charts will be updated. As the updated files will always be comprehensive (does not exclude the previous time period chart), the outdated files will be replaced upon completion. The guide is simple, just visit the link and click onto the files. The easier to see is the basic version of the chart (if there's any), choose the one named with Basic, and not Unsorted.

     To be directed to all JMu-Chart - related posts, click here.
     To be directed to all JMu-Chart posts, click here.

     As for the posts, it will be labelled with JMuChart and JMuChart*****ly according to the editions. To view the filtered page, it is easily accessible through the Music Index on the right, under the Popular Babble widget. Also, the posts should include a link to JMu-Charts folder in Drive, And the posts will include the ranks accordingly as a picture and another as the post header picture.

     This page might be meaningless because I could have written on it on a post or something, but I thought that I would babble on a post and tried to keep it simple here for it to be... I don't know, to keep it as it is, since it's a page? An introductory page? Oh wells.

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