27/01/2015 Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha

     So, after watching 009 Re:Cyborg while making Sate (i.e. sticking the meat slices onto barbeque sorta sticks), I watched Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha and then the day after I watched Kamisama Hajimemashita.

26/01/2015 009 Re:Cyborg

     So, last Wednesday I watched 009 Re:Cyborg. At first, I just saw how the drawing is much better than from the old series. Like, modern-looking. That's because of the poster art or whatever it is called. But, when I watched it, the animation... the way the character moves is just... awkward, I guess. If we take screenshots, it wouldn't be shown, but when watching it... Oh well. The story makes up for it. I like it.

25/01/2015 Excuses

     On the 18th, I wrote "Then for a post today, maybe the 2014 Kouhaku? Or perhaps Koko ga Rhodes da, Koko de tobe! album? Sure... Then, Nogizaka46 Toumei no Iro album as well? Yeah, will do that."
     Indeed, it is easier said than done. But at least, if said, there'll be a little factor that pushes us to do it rather than not thinking about it at all.

     Yeah... I couldn't do it. Perhaps, despite what I just said, because I said I would and was pressured (not really) so I couldn't get it done with? But I did watched the MVs and took screenshots, but been super lazy in getting myself to my netbook and babble about it, or simply just to post screenshots of it. Then... I also listened to the songs and briefly, and nonsensely of course, wrote some sentences about it. Then, the netbook went out of battery and shut off. I lost the text on notepad because I didn't save it. Oh well... I'll just get myself to like one of the songs so much that maybe I'd babble about it... probably. Hehehehe

By the way, Acchan came in the first day of Request Hour 2015 and performed Yume no Kawa with the gang! Aahh.... Also many other graduates, plus the other days. :3

     Oh... I also watched several anime. 3, actually. 2 series: Inari Konkon Koi Iroha & Kamisama Hajimemashita. 1 movie: 009 Re:cyborg. Gonna try to babble about it.

     And tidy up this post. Finally done. One day after though. Hahaha

24/08/2014 AladdinXAlibaba

Aladdin should've been a girl, and then it'd be perfect. Aaaaahh~ o((>w<))o

Original picture by overdoor at http://www.zerochan.net/1309081 Yes, this is cropped. Morgiana and Hakuryuu are cropped out.

18/01/2015 48Family Screenshots/Pics

     These are some screenshots or pics from the previous post. Hmm.... Fall'14, but related to 48Fam.

18/01/2015 Fall'14 - VK - Spring'15

     So.... I wrote on the previous post about how I'll mostly talk about exams & school there, while casual (less about school) on another post. Hmm.. What was it about again? Hmm... how about I start with what I've been doing during the times I was so lazy to study and do assignments. Yeah, there must be quite a number. Or not... Since it's lazing around, meaning doing nothing, no?

16/01/2015 End of Fall'14

     Yeah... I'm trying to type on my phone. I tried to make a post through mobile posting, but controlling images don't work well on the app. Unfortunately. Well, not quite, since my mobile battery ain't that strong so if I spent so much editing this and that, my battery would be drained. Then again, it's not like I use my phone much since I have my laptop and winter vacation just started (the vacation in between the two semesters). But but but... I'll just be typing this now and edit it later (if necessary). Yeah, to add the see more function so the post won't be shown whole-ly on the blog and those kind of stuff, you know. Lol I must be babbling gibberishly. It's Gibberish Babble blog anyway!! :'D

02/01/2015 2014 Nothing

     It's 2015 already and the last time I made a post was 2 months ago. Man, how lazy I've gotten. I didn't even get to write something before 2014 end and now is already the second day of 2015. But, even if I did get the chance to write something, I bet it wouldn't be much because 2014 haven't been much and wasn't that fun, much less special. I would be writing about how disappointed I am for not having accomplished any remarkable accomplishment. Then again, even if it was a good year, I wouldn't remember all the details to make a comprehensive post to reminisce about it.