Because I'm so stupid and I only remember stupid and recent things, I can't remember much about last Sunday. What did I do last Sunday? Not much, I think. Maybe I kept on thinking of doing some productive activities, but then got lazy and laze around all day. Yea, maybe. Not only Sunday, Monday too!
Even Tuesday, yesterday!! In the morning, I was so determined to be productive. To do Chemistry homework/classwork, to make present boxes, to do Mathematics homework, to read Nutrition slides and whatever else. After I got home from school, I ate and just laze around in the living room and then when it's almost sunset, I sat in front of my laptop. I just remembered that my ex-teacher wanted me to search for IGCSE Edexcel 2013 summer papers and I kept on forgetting that, so for once, I just decided to search for it. I searched and found it. Then, I roam around my email inbox to search for his email address, which I found, but I wasn't sure if he still uses that one. So I just Whatsapped him the links.
When I roam around my inbox, I found old, forgotten emails. Back when I was still in high school, when I take pictures using my friend's phone, I sent them to my email and because there was no zip compressor on her phone, so I had to send one picture per mail, which was kinda annoying. So, there were quite a number of those kind of mails. Other kinds would be mails that has important attachments attached to it. Because of that, I decided that instead of them mails getting even more buried, I'll just put them in a folder. So I went through the 300-something emails in my inbox to find the important emails. It took awhile.
Those pictures led me to look in my selfies folder. There were so many selfies. Why do I even take so many selfies? Geez... I can't show the content of that folder to anyone, EVER!
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A messy sketch when I was bored doing my Math homework |
On Sunday, I intended to do solve Chemistry homework because it is due today, but I was so lazy, so instead of not doing anything productive at all, I decided to do my Math homework. I did one homework and I spent almost an hour doing that one homework!! Oh maaaann... Then, I continue to the next homework. Loading the page takes some time, so I just left it, but while waiting, I got a pencil and a paper and so I got sidetracked with drawing. I drew the picture above. It's very messy, right? Of course it is. Because I got sidetracked, the duration became more than an hour. Hahahaha oh well. XD
*anyway, I've got a class now, so I'll continue later. Later.
*I'm baaaaaaaaaaccccckkkkkkk! No, I'm 3 or 2 days late. Geez.
So, at the end, I didn't do my Chemistry homework and the answers to the homework was already posted. I was so lazy. I mean, it's not going to be graded anyway, so I ended up not doing it. I'm such a lazybum. Speaking of Chemistry, on Sunday, I intended not to fall asleep during class and listen intently to the instructor's teachings and all. I decided to sit at the front. As in, closer to the front than I usually sit at. Also, in the middle, where I can see close. Despite the effort of picking a seat closer to the front, (it wasn't that much effort, by the way) I still fell asleep!!! I fell asleep hard! I mean, it felt as if I went into a deep slumber or something. Oh my, why am I so bad? I think I didn't sleep early the night before. Yea, that must be the reason. But I was never the one who manages time well and sleep early, right? *siiiiiiighs*
Monday, umm... This week, as stated on the syllabus, the english class students only has to attend one of the classes. I was assigned to the Wednesday class. That was very fortunate because then I'll only have one class on Monday and can leave early! It wasn't entirely fortunate though, because then I don't get to spend some time studying. I keep on lazing around at home, maybe if I stayed, I could have a bit of studying done, right? Maybe...
I was a little bored during the only class I had on Monday, and so to prevent myself from falling asleep, I doodled some things... It isn't great, but meh.upstair
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Bored in Math class. |
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A lady for once. Haha |
Tuesday... Well, I left home early on Tuesday than usual because there was the first meeting of the school year for the Japanese Club!!! Oh yea~ Oh yea~!! Hahaha I was kinda nervous because it was my first time attending such, ummm, you know, such thing. When I arrived at where the meeting room is located, my heart beat faster. It was my first time to the building, and I got a bit confused, but there was the security man and I asked him where was the meeting room and he kindly replied to me and told me. The room was upstairs and when I entered, the room was large! It was cool! I've never been to such room because my previous high school was plain and elementary years won't involve such rooms, right.
In the meeting room, there were already some people in it. There was a guy who went around (he is the president of the club!), a few girls on one side and a few guys on the other side. Me being me, I talked to no one. Well, only exchanged some words, no more... I'm just bad at socializing that's all. I guess I didn't do well on my introduction, but who cares. Hahaha I want to make friends~ but... oh well...
The meeting was, I must admit, a bit awkward and a bit boring. It was nice, but just not so much enthusiasm were present in the atmosphere. I don't mean to badmouth, but the president doesn't seem like the talkative person or someone who is able to talk well while introducing something, but I can't say that for sure because this is only the first time and there are many to come and maybe he's not like what I thought he is. But I don't really mind.
I couldn't stay until the end of the meeting because I had classes, so I left before 11, but still ended up late for my next class. It was my first time over that area, the boys area and I didn't know how to go to my next class. First, I went on the wrong route and it was a dead-on. I had to spend some time to walk back and try to walk through the building. I didn't want to walk through the building because the building is a bit complicated and I might get lost. That explains why I took another route in the first place. But, I was okay and was able to pass through it safely. I think I was 5-10 minutes late. The instructor always arrives a few minutes early and starts the class early, so I felt as if I'm REALLY late.
I forgot to say this, but on Saturday, while waiting for the
homework page to load, I was checking my twitter and I found some pessimistic tweets. It was annoying, but I'm not one to say. My tweets should be utterly annoying too. *sighs*
On Wednesday, the day I started writing this post, I had a Chemistry Lab class. The class was pretty cool. Making Alum from a coke can. The Alum was a powder. That was cool! I wonder what the next class would be about. But I don't feel like reading the manual and note it down just yet. Maybe on Monday? Yea, okay.
On Thursday, since the school uses an online system for Mathematics, we needed a Math lab class once a week. I did some productive things there. Like finishing my homework and solving the study plan and all. Because of that, I was a little late for my Chemistry class, again! Hahaha I'm glad that my friend saved me a seat. I really am.
That day, we had a Chemistry quiz and I completely forgot about it!!! And I haven't finished my homework, so I'm not sure if I completely understood the chapter. So, me and my friend spent the class revising and all while the instructor went on about the next chapter and taught it to the class. I'm not sure if I did good, but maybe at least a 70%? At least? I hope so......
On the weekend, my family decided to go to the swimming pool and leave me behind to take care of my grandma. That evening, I decided to finish making boxes. In the morning, my dad took my younger siblings to the park to play around and exercise. I started making then. I started with measuring the squares. I'm a slow worker and I take lots of breaks. I finished measuring and cutting the paper on the afternoon and then I sat in the living room to cover them with book transparent covers.
That afternoon, the kids were playing around. Coming in and going out of the house and that made quite a hassle. My parents wanted to take a nap before going to the pool, but it was hard because every time the front door is opened, my youngest siblings always takes the chance to walk out the house and play outside. The older siblings didn't want to bother taking care of him, so he was forced inside and of course, he cried. Because of all the hassle, I got stressed. From my grandma, to the kids, and then the neighbor kid! This neighbor kid is a bit clingy. He's cute, yea, but he whines too much and that's annoying. I just want to snap at him, like, "Know your place!" and "Stop whining!" When you want something from someone, just ask once or twice. If that someone doesn't reply, then that's it, you won't get it. Don't pester others. It's better to shut up than whine. If you whine, you'll just make yourself look stupid. If that someone didn't give you what you want, then either you don't deserve it or that someone is just stingy. Geez. Maybe I should teach that to my younger siblings? Maybe...
The other reason as to why I was left behind was that I have an exam the next day, but instead of studying I made an instant noodles and watched Meganebu and Yowamushi while eating. Yea, I watched them episodes, but I don't think I'll be babbling about Meganebu because the first half of the episode is just plain stupid and boring. Maybe I will, because Hayato was treated so poorly!!! Oh, Hayato! And Yowamushi was great, but it's not like I feel like babbling much about it. It gets tiring when you get serious over some things. Like, forcing myself to watch the episode to regularly babble about it. That's just, a bit... Well, I'm not cut out for serious stuffs.
After finishing the noodles and Yowamushi and Meganebu, I didn't feel like studying one bit and so decided to watch Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou. It was great! So much blood and agony, but the head is a bit too big on adults. Hahahaha I can't gather my thoughts right now and I haven't gathered screenshots to babble about it, but maybe later I will babble about it. Or maybe not.
So, today, I had a midterm and I did pretty bad! I got a 69.34%. Great, just great and that's all because I kept on procrastinating, but that's not all... The online system is just UGH... It's annoying. It makes it even more difficult. Clicking is not that fast and the questions were too many and the time is too short. Screw the online system, really!!! My GPA is pretty much screwed and now I'm just lazing around. I'm all talk and no action! That's what I am. Stupid.
Okay, this is enough, right? Later.
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