Magi season 2 has started two weeks ago and episode 3 will be released in less than 24 hours time!
Well, I have just finished watching episode 2 because I didn't get to watch episode right away last Monday/Sunday. More like, I was a bit too lazy to watch it after I was done watching One Piece and Kuroko no Basuke.

Since the begininng, I always mistook his name, Himuro, for Himura or Hamuro. I just couldn't remember his surname right. I remember his given name better though. It's Tatsuya! And it's pretty close to Tetsuya. Don't you think that was done on purpose? Like there are some hidden motives behind the similarities between his and Kuroko's name? Hohohohoho
Now, would you look at the picture on the left. He's such a bishie, isn't he? ~(^_^~) (~^_^)~ Yep, he surely is.

OwO Before, I was like, "MorXAlibaba is cute! They shall end up together!" or so. Haha but AlibabaXKougyoku moments were cute too! It's kinda obvious that Kougyoku is crushing on Alibaba. I think that Alibaba can develop feelings for her too or something. Kougyouku shall get over Sinbad! Like, really! She got so happy-happy when Alibaba offered her his hand so they can be friends. There shall be more than meets the eye behind her happy expression, right? Right? Hahahaha keep dreaming, me. Well, it's not that I ship them so hard, so yea... XD
There was also, what's his name again? Kougyoku's brother, yea, Hakuryuu. There was HakuryuuXMor moments. I think it was also kinda sweet.
When Mor told Hakuryuu about her family/life, he was shocked. I so wanted to get a screenshot of her crying-smiling face!
What else?
Oh yes, I almost forgot! Magi ending is sung by Aqua Timez! I almost immediately figured out that the singing voice belong to Aqua Timez vocalist when the ending played. Wait, not almost immediately because I was pretty unsure and waited till the credit thingie shows Aqua Timez and bingo, I was right! Hahaha Aqua Timez vocalist voice is distinguishable, after all. I shall embed the YouTube video of that ending, yes? Enjoy!!
Adding pictures to post is troublesome, I say!! Moving them around until it's on the spot that I wanted it to be on it's super hard. Ugh. Is there an easy way to this? Also, this is my first time trying to embed a video, I wonder if it will work, ummm...
Dammit, school resumes the day after tomorrow and I haven't even started doing Nutrition homework. I'm screwed up. I bet that homework will hold a lot of marks! My GPA will be so screwed up.
Ha ha ha I'm not even yet a full student! That's right, the university still has yet to decide on that because the original certificate of my AS grade has yet to come out. Why, oh why. On one hand, I wish to be accepted because I want to join the Japanese Club and it'll be such a hassle to try getting into another university and what if I had to go back to Indonesia and told to enter a university there and the language of instruction will be Indonesian and I'm no good in Indonesian? Not that I'm good in English either. More hassle. However, on the other hand, I also wish to not be accepted because then I'll get to go fly back and enter a university in Indonesia and maybe enjoy my time there away from family? I don't know... I have to wait till the 31st of October to know.
Anyhow, I guess this is enough rant and enough fangirling. Ciao! (^0^)V
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