And once again, I don't remember much. XD Hahaha but I'll try. I can't find any picture that's suitable to start the post with, so meh, whatever. XD
Sunday, eh? What happened? Nothing, just the usual Chemistry and Nutrition class. I think I didn't fell asleep in the Chemistry class because I was skimming through the Nutrition book, water-soluble vitamins chapter. Yea, I think I was feeling "diligent" that time. Just a little. Very little. Get it? XD
Then, in the Nutrition class, I fell asleep for a short while. Really!! For a very short while. Okay, maybe not very, but short. XD Oh, yea, the instructor asked the class if they would like a third midterm to make up for the unsatisfying grades of the second midterm. No, the class did well. It's just a few who didn't do well. Me, for example, got 56%. Others maybe got 75+% but still wants higher. The instructor said that the class will vote on Tuesday.
On Monday, I did one Mathematics homework. I tried to do the second one, but time ran out. Even though I have no class until 3 in the afternoon, I was thinking of reading Chemistry chapter 7, note Chemistry Lab experiment 12 and do English homework. I did the English homework, of course. When the teacher checked the website in class, he opened the one I did and said that some already did it, but it was only me. He mentioned how I was being diligent, but I just wanted to get it over with. That kinda didn't feel good, because then the whole class knows. I mean, of course they will know that I was the first one to submit the homework when they are submitting theirs, but that's without me knowing that they know. Get it? Oh well....
Anyway, I also noted Chemistry Lab experiment 12. It was almost the same as experiment 11! As for reading Chemistry chapter 7, since I didn't bring my textbook, I just read the lecture slides. While reading, I fell asleep. Really! I didn't print it off, so I just viewed it on my laptop and I was sitting in the library. I must have looked weird. HAHAHA
OH!! That's right. I got my allowance on Monday too! It's not much, but it's enough. No, I'll make it enough. No, it's enough. Okay, whatever. So, the story is that I went to the bookstore in campus. I wanted to get some of those rings that changes color according to the mood of whoever wears it, or so it claimed. It was finished and so I made my way to the Manga section (Yes, they sells Manga! I was surprised at first too! XD). I looked around. I noticed that the Wolfflower is not there. You know, that Manga that was made into a Drama called Nadeshiko Shichi Henge with Kamenashi Kazuya as one of the main character. Someone must have bought all of it! Then, I went to the novels section and found a book that has "time travel" in its summary. My eyes went sparkly right away. I didn't read the summary thoroughly nor look at the book cover properly. I went to the cashier with it and bought it. I walked out of the bookstore and sat down to check the book out. Then, I saw in the cover "Book Three". OH SHOOT! Just what have I done? XD Am I that obsessed with Time Travel that much? I spent almost all of the allowance on it. The book wasn't that expensive, considering the thickness of it. It's just that my allowance wasn't much. I said it before, right? Yea... I, also, posted about this on facebook. HAHAHA
Tuesday.... Well... I had another Chemistry quiz and I printed off lecture notes before I left home and read it in class, before the quiz. While reading, I fell asleep again. Hahahaha my head was like falling while the paper was in front of me. XD
YEA! The Nutrition vote. The instructor said that she'll take the vote at the end of class. I tried not to fall asleep and so I drew and doodled. It wasn't anything grand, just the usual messy doodles. Yep. The pictures are below after I babble about the vote, okay? Yes.
So, the vote. There are 3 choices. The first one was no change is to be made. The second one is to have the third midterm and take the highest 2 grades out of the 3 midterms for the course grade and the final exam is still 35%. The third choice was to have the third midterm and the final exam and the three midterms will account for 20% each. At first, I instantly choose the third one and that's because I was not sure if I can do good in the finals, so less portion means less risk, but when I counted, my final course grade will be 70% max and that's a C. Aaaa~hh. Then, I voted for the second choice. I thought that I just have to do better in the third midterm as well as the exams. AAAAAAAAAHHH!! I don't know... I don't know... Anyway, the pictures!
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The one on the right look better than the one on the left, right? Yes... The one on the left has a weird face and whatever else that's weird. |
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This one I drew when I tried to study Nutrition at night. Before I start, I doodled. Hahaha\ This one look good, except the hands. Oh well. |
On Wednesday, I tried to do another chapter homework in Mathematics class, but I didn't get to complete it!! I even sat in class when the others and the teacher left. Aaaa~hh... I tried to finish it, but... the Internet Lab was full. I had my laptop, but I didn't want to use it. XD I'll end up going to other websites and not doing the work. Hahahaha just like when I tried to do it before English class begun because I finished Chemistry Lab early. I switched on my laptop, and opened the website to solve it, but there were other websites on other windows that was already opened and I didn't want to close it because I wanted to post the other Lyrics post here. The one post before this post. Yea, that post. I made that post during that. Anyhow, instead of solving the homework, I used facebook, blogger and other sites. Hahahaha I'm hopeless, right? Of course. XD
Speaking of Chemstry Lab, it was the last lab of the semester! I didn't even noticed!!! The next lab would be the finals. *criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeess* Me and my partner asked the instructor assistant for permission and I got the picture. I was the one who took the picture, so I wasn't in it. Well, that's normal. It's not like I have an important presence in the lab. LOL At the end of the class, I secretly took pictures around the class. Yes, secretly.
A secret shot that I can post on this blog. XD
What me and my partner did in the lab. I was very careless!!! And clumsy!!!
Yes, this one too.
Today is the first day of holiday for my younger siblings and so I didn't have to wake up as early. It was still early when I woke up though. Just not so early. LOL I did my Chemistry Lab homework. That graph. Then, solved the other calculations. I didn't get the right answer though. How can an Aspirin tablet be containing 200+% of Acetyl Salicylic Acid? Reaaaaaaaaallly??!! I handed that after my Mathematics class.
In Mathematics class, I tried to resume where I left the last class, but I still couldn't finish it!!! Only 4 questions left of that chapter homework. The 21st question was confusing so I was wrong in the first try. At the second try, I was okay, but I ran out of time. A man came and said that the class is finished and we can leave. Of course I left. I needed to hand in the Chemistry Lab report and go attend the Anime/Manga discussion.
After I handed it in, I headed to where Anime'Manga discussion is held, but a very late notice came in my email. I was already in the building and the notice said that the meeting is cancelled. Aaaaahh~ Oh well. I didn't know what I can do till my mom picks me up and so I just went back to the female campus and go to the Internet Lab and write this post. Hahahaha it's almost time till my mom arrive to pick me up, so I guess this is it for this week. Seems like I wrote quite a lot. LOL and I said that I don't remember much. Then I guess most if it were gibberish babble, but that's no problem because that's the sole reason why this blog exists. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA so, ciao!!
Oh wait, one last babble. No, I'm just going to copy paste what I posted on facebook! Hahaha
I fell asleep yesternight while watching One Piece AMVs.AND:
Them AMVs were so good that I even downloaded some for keepsake. The sound effects and the background music made it even better.
I teared up at the part when they had to leave Merry, Luffy lit a fire on him and Merry thanked them because he was so happy to be able to take them on several journeys.
Also, Luffy's childhood. When Sabo died (which he didn't, he was rescued by Luffy's father) Luffy cried. He said that he wants to get stronger, stronger, stronger, and stronger. He asked Ace not to die and Ace said that he won't die. But he died!! :"0
I couldn't tear up at the others' childhood and harsh past. Oh well.
OH! SABO IS NOT DEAD!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOO!! Well, it was hinted that Dragon (that's Luffy's father's name, right?) rescued him. Sabo, where have you been?! Ace died~ Luffy suffered~ SABO!
-End of ramble-
6 hours ago
So, I spent most of my allowance that I just got this morning on a book.had "time travel" on its back cover and I instantly bought it. I didn't know that it's a series and the one I bought is the third book. p(O.O)qAND:
Do you think I'm too obsessed with time machine / time travel?
I'm not going to have any meal in campus until exams. I'll just bring food from home and bear with it. Yosh.
*currently documenting the history of my statuses*
Monday at 2:46pm
Somehow, I'm not at all awed at the view of topless Killua. It's just... Well, ummm... too much, I guess. Yea, that's a little too much for Killua. Especially his sides. So 'boney'. That looked like fins to me. HAHAHA his body is too well-shaped that it looked awkward. Or at least, that's how it seems to me.
I haven't watched any Hunter X Hunter 2011 episodes for about a month. That's 4 episodes, I think. I'm not sure.
I got the picture/screenshot from one of Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction page posts.
Tuesday at 10pm
Okay, that's all. Gotta hurry!! Ciao.
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