So, after watching 009 Re:Cyborg while making Sate (i.e. sticking the meat slices onto barbeque sorta sticks), I watched Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha and then the day after I watched Kamisama Hajimemashita.
I was CHO (super) lazy to do anything, even though the morning and afternoon felt so long to pass by. I didn't feel like watching any anime or babble about what I watched last week. The previous post was... a baby step so I can have more steps, bigger ones if possible. Anyhow, even if I babbled, I don't think I'll be able to recall anything much to be considered as gibberish babble babble.
Then again, just writing these is considered as gibberish babble as it is a babble which does not hold anything importance. LOL
So, anyway... I'll just post a few pictures/screenshots from the last episode of Inari Konkon Koi Iroha and get to watch some anime shorts, and Mekaku City Actors... tonight. Yup. And maybe try writing about Kamisama Hajimemashita... or not.
The story was about Inari, a girl whose name is that of a shrine and was made fun of... I don't know, at the beginning of the story, it seemed like as if she's got no confidence socially, but not awkward either... Well, okay, not no confidence socially... just no confidence to confess to her crush and all those cliches. Then, she saw her crush behaving shyly towards the popular, pretty girl and thought that she must be his type. So, the story begins when she asked for help from the Inari shrine, that she wanted to be that popular, pretty girl and then when she got her wish granted, she realized that things won't get better just by changing appearance, so she asked the god again to ungrant her wish, but since the kind god, could not, she gave Inari her divine power so Inari can change to herself at her own will. Then... Then... the more Inari uses Uka (the god)'s power, Uka will start to lose her divinity and vanish. Poof! The sun god trapped Uka and eventually made Inari free her and return her her power. Inari did so, and happy ending. Except that she can not physically see Uka anymore.
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Uka still insist to co-exist with the humans and continue watching over them. |
Since Touka can see Uka, why can't Inari? Inari was able to see Uka when Uka brought her to her place. So, is it because Inari once had her divine power? Why can Touka see Uka?
Since Inari's wish to be that popular, pretty girl was granted and Inari then was given Uka's divine power to be able to change into anything she wishes to be, Inari changed back to herself. Isn't maintaining her own form takes some energy from the divine power? It's not like it's permanent change, right? Since the other appearances she changed into, always reverts back to herself at the end... so? Does that mean she's got a gift in controlling the divine power to maintain her original appearance. When she give back the divine power to Uka, why does she not change back to that popular, pretty girl? Unless she had another wish and was granted, or asked to ungrant her first wish. Hmm...
Yeah, I kept mention that popular, pretty girl as popular, pretty girl... only because I can't currently remember her name and I'm not actually that bothered to search for it. Though I made sure that Touka's was Touka. Lol not that I hate her or anything. She's quite interesting. She fell for Inari's childhood friend! Aww... Just because Inari's childhood friend impressed her and reminded her of that male main character in a manga that she and Inari read. Lol
That's it. This should be enough, no. Next time watching anything, I'll make use of my E71 Nokia mobile to write whatever I got interested in and then have it sent to my netbook in any way, and with the help of the screenshots I most probably will be taking while watching, it'll so much assist in making up a babble post of it.
By the way, babble sounds like bubble, no?? :D LOL
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