These are some screenshots or pics from the previous post. Hmm.... Fall'14, but related to 48Fam.
I forgot from what video the screenshot was taken from. I guess from a 3rd Gen concert documentary video? Anyway, that girl looks similar to Melody, no? :D |
Again, I forgot of what performance was this screenshot taken from, but surely HKT48Show! episode of AKB48Show!. Meru's look is so sharp that it doesn't look like her. Lol |
When Takamina announced her graduation on the 9th Anniversary. Her announcement aside, I think that Rena got lucky. She gets to appear closeby. Her position was good. :D Hahaha no offense, really. I just think of it as amusing. I thought, "why did she have a spot close to Takamina?". I mean, if the staffs knew (which is most probably so), they would position someone else in her place, someone close to Takamina, who's reaction will be amusing to see. Or something of sort. I mean, it's all about drama. If I read too much into it, maybe they're planning something special for Rena in 2015? Why else then? Anyhow, I still wish to see Rena rising to the middle tier. I think she's in the lower part of the lower tier of AKB48. Maybe not so low since she gets to have solo jobs as an international transfer student from JKT48. (student, didn't know what else). |
They say that she looks like Acchan. I agree. But from this screenshot taken from a Seifuku Mannequin performance on... Music Station, I guess? Her expression was good!! She looks young, sure of course since I think it was about 1-2 years ago? Anyhow, yeah! Kakkoi expression. Priceless. Ikuta Erika might as well be my favourite from Nogizaka46, but I don't know much about Nogizaka46. I like their music nonetheless! :) |
Swap uniform time!! Mayuyu & Jurina as Nogizaka and Erika & Nanase as AKB. Lol cute la. I'm not much of a fan of that colorful Kibouteki Refrain seifuku. And I think that Nogizaka46 seifuku ain't that unique either, but nice-looking otherwise. Erika looks cute! Hahaha |
Unyanyanya unyanyanya unyaanyaa uunyanya uunyanya unya unya oo! I kinda like how the song begins. So, this is the art of NyaaKB with Tsuchinoko Panda. :D So cute. And the members are, I think, the considered new gen members. Jurina has been in the group for a long time and been a front member since then, but she's still young, so she's still newgen, she's still continuing for awhile. Sakura, well, she's got quite a push and did very well and young, so she's a newgen front member. Paruru... Well, she's definitely in between, but she's got it. Yuria's... well, she was transferred to AKB and then got her even bigger push. I think she'll be a constant senbatsu member (not necessarily during Sousenkyos, though), or she already has. I don't get why she's so pushed though. Not a top sister group member, nor is she an original akb member. Guess that the management saw her potential, got the look and dedication, and young. Kojimako, well her character and charisma unique. She's a definitely a newgen center candidate, if nothing goes wrong, otherwise, just newgen front member. Kawaei, I don't know. She's just acceptable. But, I don't get why Kato? Ever since she lost her twin antenna, she's lost that unique look, in my opinion. Her character is not that unique either, right? So, why??? She didn't even look like she wants it. Why push her? I guess I just don't see her as interesting. I would prefer Naanya over her. Maybe, she was a sub for Naanya? Why did they stop pushing her? Naanya has become... acceptable for me. Mion or her, either one is better than Kato. Even Miki and Naachan need the push more than her. Oh well.. Now I'm just babbling. Hahahaha |
Yeah, just a screenshot of my comment on the JKT teams danceoff battle or something. I didn't really want to comment on J or KIII performance. But the trainee caught my eye. Especially the white team. Well, the white team had the star members. But... I didn't notice Elaine... What team was she in, again? Anyhow, the trainee team are already merged, right? The non-star members of Trainee who I noticed was those two on the small thumbnails and a member of the forum replied who it was. I didn't know who they were. Apparently, Nina was the one who caught my eye in White Team while Okta in Red Team. Nina was looking elegantly pretty, like an lady, no? :D Okta... She looks unique? Well, simply differently-looking than the others. I noticed the Nabilah look-alike in White as well, but was not interested. |

I wouldn't have noticed her if she didn't part her fringe midway and had her hair in a bun and looking elegant. Wait, maybe I would. Her movements was catchy too... When I got her name and checked her profile picture, well... she didn't
look catchy to me. Well, just her look. I don't know her personality, so maybe I'd get to know about it later.
Lol, that some things from Fall'14. Not all, but some. I ended up babbling a lot of 48Family related pictures. :D
Hahaha should I move it to another post? I guess so. Because if I kept it there, then it would have the JBabble tag. I wouldn't mind, but let's just make it as an excuse to have more posts. LOL an embedding a video of Unyanya video.
Since that's the case, let's continue with more screenshots. I've got some screenshots of Sayanee, Paruru and Team A's Juujun na Slave and one of Sakura.
Maybe I should not do the Juujun na Slave. Maybe later? Yeah, since the MV is in the newest album. Yep, okay.
Miyawaki Sakura. Somehow she resembles Acchan. :D That expression and hairstyle. |
Paruru expressions are priceless and interesting!! I cropped the lower part because it's bare. I just find her expression unique. I like it. Interesting.
When I was taking screenshots, I didn't find Sayanee as interesting. I guess she just got too mainstream. But she's pretty nonetheless.
What else? That's it, I guess?? Ja...
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