So, where did I leave off last time? :/ Ummm.. Oh well.. Let me just make few posts on screenshots I took and uploaded week/s ago? Hmm... Will be short ones, but few. And for this post... Etto... Maybe what I have been doing? Sure. =_=
What I've been doing? Err... Nothing really.
So, I have some sort of post-it note on my desktop and sometimes I try to make a to-do list (when I do bother, or else nothing). See the one that looks more yellowish and the title says Studies? Yea, I made that monthS ago and when the semester ended, I didn't remove it. Anyway, that's not what I wanted to say. So, a few days ago I tried to make a to-do list. Nothing important, just trivial to-dos. And actually, I've finished 2 of them and deleted them off the list.
You see, I'm so lazy that I keep on delaying doing what I wanted to or should do for so long. My samsung phone couldn't charge and just when my sister got her own phone awhile ago, her charger happens to work for my phone too. Her phone was Huawei. Weird, huh? Maybe I should get Huawei chargers next time. Or just the USB cables. Ones that are "seret", umm sluggish? I don't know, that's what Google tried to translate to me. Basically ones that can stay put and can not be easily taken off by a slight pull or disconnected when touched lightly. Back to the topic, since my samsung can be charged, I decided to back up what I have in it and reset it. I backed it up onto the mini SD card. I've been meaning to filter the pictures and put them in the correct folders and order. I like my files tidy, or at least most of it. :D Took me so long and was finally finished with it the day before yesterday then I deleted the point from my to-do list. :D Plus, I've added to my memory card some of AKB's events. Hihi
The second deleted point in the list was to sort my downloaded SKE48 songs. You see, I've been trying to compile most of 48Family songs. Maybe for the lyrics site? Not really, since my collection is just one song. I don't really keep numbers of the same songs that comes from different releases or sung by others, live performances are exceptions though. So, while I'm at it, I also downloaded the newly released SKE48's 15th Single and find the missing track. Unfortunately, I couldn't find Bukiyou Taiyou's last track which is SKE48 15th Single Medley. But then again, it was just released at the end of last month, so that should be expected. Will try to find it again some time later. That's if I do remember about it. :D Also, I downloaded NMB48's 2nd Album. Was lucky to be able to find the whole set, but deleted most of the songs since I already have them which were previously released in singles or other releases and only kept the new songs. Hihihi Anyhow, most of it were thanks to the admin of Speaking of which, the site greatly improved, but it got a little slow since it's all fancy-looking and stuff. Still very thankful and grateful though. I was thinking of uploading my collection in similar way too, but then would that be labelled as stealing other people's ideas, putting piracy issue aside?
The first on the current list is to finish the ACCESS*. The asterisk star was, well... I named the file as database and not the name that reveals what's inside. (?) :D Maybe? The database was, once again, a 48Family-related matter. I have 2, but the first one is... of the events that happened and which I would like to keep so it comes handy as a reference. The second one is a huge 48Family discography. Still not finished, but done with most of the major ones. What's left is the subunits, soloists, and miscellaneous songs, I guess. Aaah~ That's still a huge load of work! Haha
Then, the complete 48 site... well... the lyrics site. I'm nowhere near done with it. Yet. Kinda lost interest midway. Anyhow, once the ACCESS* is completed (not 100% since the big names in 48Family haven't disbanded or lost (much?) popularity), I can refer to it instead of switching between pages. :D Will be simpler, no? The ACCESS will sure be handy as a reference. Definitely. ...if I don't lost (much?) interest in keeping it up to date and stuff.
Since I couldn't charge my samsung phone properly, I gave up on charging it entirely and since then I haven't really been up-to-date with the videos of particular JKT48 events. Just this evening, I've listed the youtube links of those videos. Haha good thing my laptop is working properly, or else I'll lose interest much earlier, but then again, I was a little faster back with the other system. Hmmm... Speaking of which, since it's a little past midnight, the internet access must be a tad faster, or so I hope, and I should take the opportunity to download some of it. (OwO)d
Speaking of downloading, I also have been downloading Doraemon movies. It's a lot handful to find particular Doraemon movies. Like, the 2012 movie that is english subbed. What I found were raw, thailand (?) subbed, chinese subs or dubbed in languages I'm unfamiliar with. I gave up on searching for the english subbed one and just downloaded one from YouTube and get the sub alone since VLC Media Player can attach a subtitle to a video. :D Good idea ne? Not english subs, but Indonesian ones. Doraemon is so popular, ne?
I've been downloading the 2008 movie. I couldn't get part 3 downloaded. The downloader stopped and didn't want to resume!! I've been trying again and again, but the same result. I guess I will have to try using little brother's computer. It's weird. I tried to download Viva JKT48 Behind The Scene videos and they were completely downloaded. Maybe it's because of smaller size? But... Now I'm downloading a JKT48 1st Senbatsu Sousenkyo and the transfer rate seems to be of a good number. Plus, the size is more or less 4 times the Doraemon The Future 2008 part 3!! Why? Because of :/ I'm confused. Let's just see if the video I'm downloading will be thoroughly downloaded to the end. Anyway, here are some Doraemon pictures I found on Zerochan. They're not mine, absolutely not!

Man~~!! I've been in too deep. Hahaha not really, but still... I've got nothing better to do but cling to 48Family obsessions. Not quite obsessions, or maybe they are obsessions?! AH!! Noooooooooo~ I thought to myself before that I'd try to get into other idol groups or jpop bands or something. Hmmmmm.....................
The other two points on the list are "Anime" and "Resume FF projects". To catch up with anime these days and resume projects. I'm too much behind the schedule. Really. How many seasons have I missed? How will I start watching again? Then, to resume projects? Well, the projects are not a must. They are mostly for my keepsake and most of those that I want are on my follow or favourite list. Unless, they decided to shut down the site out of nowhere. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh~!!
Now, what? Umm... When I first opened blogger today, I decided to check the notifications of my G+ since there is a 1 icon on top of the bell. Guess what,
Cool, no? Google+ Auto Awesome. :D It "auto awesome"ed my pictures and video! Hahaha great. Random, but cool. I didn't bother to check what exactly happened though. Lol
I guess this is it for what I have been doing post, don't cha think?
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