22/04/2015 Random Pictures?

     Apparently the substitute teacher came late or didn't come and lots left the class. I'd sit there contently if not for the cold AC. It was so cold! I thought of reading the bio slides that I printed this morning, but oh well... I just have Physics next and then home. I shall then try to study Bio. I should. Oh, and I took a picture of the drink. It looks green.

     Lemme squeeze in some pictures and then I'm off for Physics class. I'll think of the 48Group-related pictures later.

22/04/2015 Whatever la

     Let's see what I can ramble about... I'm just going to find excuses not to study this time around, just like any other time, all the time.

20/04/2015 What Midterm Break

     So... Midterm break is over now and I have been back to school since yesterday. Wait, did that sentence grammatically made sense? Oh whatever. Seriously, this blog was named Gibberish Babble so I can babble gibberishly on and on to no end without any external pressure, but in the end, I created the pressure myself and projected at my own self. What the heck is that? Then again... I don't think I quite care, in the long term, about a lot of stuffs. I let go easily? Well... I will end up thinking about it later but making no fuss for others. Perhaps only on my personal twitter. Speaking of twitter, my personal- well, despite not putting it on private, I still tweet rants and rants are personal, right? So... the description on the profile page (what do they call profile page on twitter, in twitter terms, again?) made me sound as if I don't care for my followers whose timeline I spam without a second thought... Yeah, but they have the choice to unfollow me. Even my friend (since high school first year) unfollowed me, but she still let me follow her (she set hers on private, so), so I can keep in contact whenever I want and she knows my username so she can contact whenever she needs to, but she has my mobile number and both of us has got Whatsapp. Whatever, whatever.

12/04/2015 First Wave

     Yo, yo, sup. It's already April, man. We are already 12 days in to April, yo. And I'm already in my fourth semester and I've got this whole week off. I'm sure I'll be lazing around, but I have to make sure I have some work well done by the end of the week. Sure, my week won't go as planned, but I've gotta try. Then, again, how many countless times have I tried to say that and only to eventually fail and do nothing, eh? Ugh...

04/04/2015 Stage48

     So, I've joined a forum, Stage48. The forum is all about 48Group. There is the lobby and the general section to talk about other stuff, but I'm more interested in 48Group (minus SNH) discussions and information or updates.

     This will be short. Click view more for screenshots of few of my activities there:

04/04/2015 48G GIFs

Doesn't Sonia looks awesome? Of course she does. Kuroi Tenshi!
     For some reasons, I started making GIFs and sometimes, when I see a scene I like or that seems interesting to share, I got imgflip . com and make a GIF out of it. To be honest, mostly, they were 48G stuffs. Like, a series of moving snapshots of LIVE performances. And... I was interested to make a video of combined Green Flash media performances.

04/04/2015 Spring'15 1st Midterm Series

     I would love to say that, but in all honesty, I don't have the right to say that when I have exerted next to zero effort in actually studying for exams. What should I be tired with, really? The stress of not properly studying for it? It's so stressful to think about it and not do anything about it. Hopeless. And to think (I know, I've said too many times in previous posts, but whatever la) that I wanted to start the semester with a high note. It's already midway through the semester and next week, as in the Sunday after the next, is already mid-semester break.